Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Avoiding Friends App

This morning while checking the news, I had to laugh. I noticed that there is now an app to help people avoid others, particularly their Foursquare friends. For those who don't know, Foursquare is a location-based social networking website for mobile devices. It helps people find out what great places are near whatever location they happen to be in.

I love that this app for avoiding others is aptly named 'Hell Is Other People.'

I've got to say, this should work for someone who recently broke up with a partner or a spouse. Wouldn't want to run into them --all cozied up with the person they dumped you for, now would you? And who wants to crouch down in the car outside the cleaners until someone else leaves. This app might even work for someone who would love to be a hermit. You know those people I'm talking about, the ones who are perpetual sour-pusses. Some of us even work with them, the man or woman who despise speaking to us in the morning in the office.

--Hey, too bad this thing won't work in your office! If it did that might be cool, because then those of us who want to know could see where the boss is at all times. LOL

As I start my day, I'm thinking what will they come up with next? This app/idea is cool though --if you need this sort of thing, because it calculates the best locations in which you might avoid certain friends. Heck, on those days when I'm having a bad hair day and just feeling all around busted, I would probably think of using it too.

Until next time, enjoy your day...and be blessed.


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